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Technology is a playground for ideas!
Vodafone Shared Services Romania is the place to make them come to life.
If you want to invest more in a career rather than just a job,
Meet us, Join us, Grow with us!
We stay hungry and true to our core values by recruiting people who are fun, passionate, open, and question everything.
Reflect on what your motivation is to come on board! We’re eager to hear your story.
We live and thrive in an ever-changing environment where creativity and productivity are key, within working hours, of course.
Your day to day:
Contribuie la implementarea noilor proiecte informatice in cadrul tuturor etapelor incluzand definirea cerintelor, planificarea, analiza, estimarea precum si stabilirea prioritatilor si asigura implementarea si testarea solutiilor software.
Creaza scripturi/programe la nivelul bazelor de date (PL-SQL, TSQL, Perl, etc.) in conformitate cu solicitarile clientului sau nevoile de business.
With these activities you will have a great impact on our business:
- Dezvolta scripturi si programe in cadrul proiectelor IT si pentru automatizarea activitatilor.
- Defineste cerintele tehnice, proiecteaza, configureaza si implementeaza solutiile ce au in componenta baze de date.
- Asigura optimizarea solutiilor existente prin redefinirea arhitecturii bazelor de pentru a creste eficienta sau a veni in intampinarea noilor cerinte din business.
- Proiecteaza si modifica structura bazelor de date prin codarea descrierii datelor folosind sisteme de gestiune a bazelor de date relationale
- In cazul incidentelor critice efectueaza investigatii tehnice si analizeaza problemele aparute in scopul determinarii cauzelor si asigura/propune solutii pentru remedierea problemelor depistate.
- In limita a 10% din timp contribuie la evaluarea noilor tehnologii sau aplicatii in vederea adoptarii lor in cadrul noilor proiecte (POC – proof of concept)
- Participa in serviciile de on-call si hotline 24x7, sau shift-uri, dupa caz.
With these skills you are a great candidate:
- Cunostinte administrare si programare baze de date intr-un mediu de productie, la nivel avansat (Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Sybase ASE, Sybase IQ, open-source databases, etc.)
- Cunostinte de programare in PL/SQL si in shell UNIX/Linux
- Cunostinte avansate de tuning SQL
- Cunostinte despre tehnologii Oracle RAC, Data Guard, GRID/Cloud Control, RMAN, Datapump, Goldengate, Shareplex, etc.
- Cunostinte ITIL
- Intelegerea conceptelor IT Service Management (exemplu standard ISO20000)
- Cunoastere buna a principiilor SOX
- Limba engleza (scris si vorbit) - fluent
Sounds like the perfect job? We’ve got even more to offer:
- Work from Home – You can get to work remotely from anywhere you choose – 2 days per week
- Medical and dental services
- Life insurance
- Dedicated employee phone subscription
- Special discounts for gyms and retailers
- Annual Company Bonus
- Ongoing Education
- You get to work with tried and trusted web-technology
- Getting in on the ground floor of an technology changing company
- Flexible Vacation
The future is ?