Javascript & PHP Developer

Acest anunț a expirat și nu este disponibil pentru aplicare


Optimize sites created in WordPress.
Improve integration with other sites.
Be the IT guy for the company. 


We are looking for a talented PHP developer to work full time from our client's office in Bucharest / remotely from home until the pandemic crisis ends.
You will be selected if you have a passion for IT and if one of your personal values is TRUST.
If looking back at the school days you identify yourself with the nerd guy of the class, that we want you in the team.
You should have prior experience with PHP, Javascript and SQL.  

Se ofera

The salary level is linked with the seniority level of the selected candidate.

Întrebări frecvente

  • Câte locuri de muncă sunt disponibile la LEOHR SRL pe

  • Cum pot să fiu primul care să afle când există locuri de muncă noi la LEOHR SRL pe

  • Pe ce poziții are LEOHR SRL locuri de muncă disponibile prin