Job Description:
▪ Develop the manufacturing concept based on product architecture and requirements, matching it to
state of the art production processes, technologies and standards
▪ Provide input to quote team (investment, layout, cycle time, staffing, DFM...)
Performs the following "Project Management" tasks within the scope of the operations according to PLC:
▪ Take over data package from quote team incl. Techn. Cleanliness & Security Relevant Parts
▪ Defines operations time schedule, sample build & launch targets (OEE, FPY, scrap.....)
▪ Selects operations team members in conjunction with the local management
▪ Perform Concept Review (Manufacturing concept, MES, sample builds, special requirements...)
▪ Establishes an adequate project base, start with KickOffMeeting
(regular meetings, information/ knowledge exchange, documentation, eLSR, BQR, archiving)
▪ Provide input to eCR according to requirements . PMCTemplate...
▪ Tailors optional activities according to the projects needs and ensure compliance to the processes
▪ Develope and maintain the launch process in accordance with the valid processes
(phases, deliverables, gates, BOM, settings in the system, etc.) between G40 G 90 to achieve the
agreed operations objectives.
▪ Perform PFMEA, risk management / safe launch activities, control and steer the implementation of
countermeasures to reduce risk aligned with line and project management
▪ Create and oversees the work packages to meet timeline
▪ Responsible for completion of activities within operations to meet the specific requirements
(quality, cost, timing, training) as directed from the project manager
▪ Responsible for specific decisions by operations
▪ Responsible to immediately communicate any delay, problem, or risk regarding operations activities
to PM
▪ Responsible for documentation of operations activities
▪ Evaluate performance of team members in accordance with line management. Actively manage
and optimize the use of resources in project. Assigning activities to the operations project team
▪ Support all activities suppliers during the build up phase, clarification of questions,
timeline, technical reviews, prerelease....
▪ Oversees the implementation of the equipment and processes necessary for the product.
▪ Coordinate the line release G70 all documentations included (Line Validation, CapabilityStudy,
Handbook, ReversePFMEA, Maintenance Instructions....)
▪ Ensure to build PPAP on time under released conditions
Timing Control:
▪ Coordinate and control project activities, track the project progress, define corrective measures
if deviating form the project plan.
Cost Control:
▪ Ensure capital spendings are aligned with approved authorizations and/or budgets
▪ Ensure other costs (labor, rampup) costs are per approved project plan, eCR, and budget
▪ Eliminate/ minimize obsolete material associated with the product change / launch
Quality Control:
▪ Coordinate the development of manufacturing facilities infrastructure in conjunction with plant & central
▪ Drive product DfM reviews, design checks and improvements out of these efforts
▪ Initiate PFMEA as well as the reverse PFMEA to avoid process failure and assure stable process
▪ Ensure compliance to lean concepts, robust processes
▪ Management of line industrialization that meets cycle time, product and process requirements
▪ Monitor, control and document prereleased product changes. Align and ensure implementation in
▪ Create and align ramp up plan regarding volume,
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