Part-time Product Manager remote position

Acest anunț a expirat și nu este disponibil pentru aplicare

Hi there, 

We are looking for a part-time Product Manager who will be able to handle our RecruitGo product. 

Job responsibilities:

  • Together with a team of developers and designers, redesigning the software developers website to turn it into an attractive tool to connect developers and potential employers

  • Work with the recruitment teams to turn the leads generated from the database into customers

  • Create content that will help to attract more potential users to the platform

  • Work with marketing teams in creating additional content in our social media platforms, podcasts, videos, etc.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Number of sales meetings set up with potential employers

  • Number of developers in the database

  • Number of subscribers and visitors to the site

Our offer: 

Hourly: $12/hour, gross, for 20 hours/week. Commission: $20 / unique appointment. 

We expect to get betweenappointments per month. 

That translates in a total hourly rate of $13 - $19 / hour.

Appointments are the meetings you get with prospective employers. Those come from the companies that download some CV-s from our database and are then willing to meet our sales reps.

Întrebări frecvente

  • Câte locuri de muncă sunt disponibile la Emerhub pe

  • Cum pot să fiu primul care să afle când există locuri de muncă noi la Emerhub pe

  • Pe ce poziții are Emerhub locuri de muncă disponibile prin