Profesori invatamantul liceal si gimnazial

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Opening soon… Liceul Olga Gudynn

Planuri de dezvoltare – echipa managerială a demarat lucrările și procedurile de autorizare pentru noul Campus Olga Gudynn Int’l School din cartierul rezidențial Oxford Gardens – Pipera.

Toate spațiile campusului sunt proiectate cu ferestre generoase, obiecte din materiale naturale și mobilier ergonomic modern, pentru a le oferi elevilor și profesorilor confortul și dotările necesare pentru un proces educațional de cea mai bună calitate.

Acest proiect grandios are nevoie de un colectiv de profesori pe masura si de aceea, invitam profesorii interesati sa se alature proiectului nostru.

Specializarile pe care le vizam, fara a ne limita la acestea sunt:

  • Profesor de matematica
  • Profesor de informatica
  • Profesor de limba romana
  • Profesor de limba engleza
  • Profesor de sport
  • Profesor de limba germana
  • Profesor de geografie
  • Profesor de biologie
  • Profesor de istorie
  • Supraveghetor copii
  • Descrierea jobului

    * Studii superioare de specialitate absolvite,
    * Experienta in invatamantul liceal sau universitar,
    * Cunostinte de limba engleza,
    * Detinerea gradelor didactice constituie avantaj.

    Descrierea companiei

    '... a student-centred international school, embracing British educational philosophy, principles and values'

    Olga Gudynn International School was founded in 2001 as a coeducational international school for pupils of all nationalities. There are four nursery schools and one school; OGIS operates in five different campuses. The school accepts boys and girls aged from three to fifteen years. The school is accredited by both the Romanian (ARACIP) and other international educational organizations; has membership to European Council of International SchoolsCentral and Eastern European Schools Association and International Schools Association. The school is set in two modern buildings in the North of Bucharest served by its own bus service. It has a large outdoor play and sports area with facilities for football and basketball, as well as a PE Hall. Other facilities include swimming pool, a modern ICT and multimedia suite with an excellent technical support team, library, lunch room and music facilities. The motivated, experienced teaching staff have recognised teaching qualifications and the majority of staff have experience teaching in other international schools. The school has a dedicated SEN team to support the pupils’ learning. Educational visits are a regular part of school life; inter-house activities and the elected Student Council ensures pupil involvement in the commitment and delivery of school improvement. There is a flourishing extra-curricular programme; the school participates in sport competitions with other schools in Romania and abroad. Drama competitions at both national and international level, take place throughout the year. Drama, dance and music opportunities are on offer to all. The school begins in September and ends mid-June, the nurseries operate during the whole year.

    Întrebări frecvente

    • Câte locuri de muncă sunt disponibile la Olga Gudynn International School pe

    • Cum pot să fiu primul care să afle când există locuri de muncă noi la Olga Gudynn International School pe

    • Pe ce poziții are Olga Gudynn International School locuri de muncă disponibile prin