React Native frontenders

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Work on implementing the future. Build software for well-established sectors we are experts about, and in which there’s lots of space for cutting-edge innovation. Either building products, dealing with data, making predictions or deploying systems, you will be part of a project that is shooting for the stars.


We have actual big data. Work on solutions for larger-than-memory datasets, make models, generate predictions, succeed. We are using the frameworks everyone’s talking about (and probably more!), so either if you are a Tensorflow or RabbitMQ magician, or a novel AI practitioner, CRESMART is the perfect place for you to thrive!


Expertise. Over 15 years of experience in the data analysis / prediction sectors and the gambling sector. Help us with our international launch in 2021 of a software that will be used by millions, and that will strive to be a worldwide phenomenon.


A vibrant environment. Our team has grown ostensibly in, and we strive to keep growing in 2021. Join a start-up: that one with a real start-up vibe! You’ll work closely with experienced people as well as brave juniors; both with specialized profiles and cross-domain people. Either remote or from our office in Cluj, either from Romania or any other place in the world: our team ranges 4 timezones already!


We value talent and experience at whatever you do, but the next types will be extra-valuable to us:


Frontend is a puzzle, and a beautiful one. At CRESMART, some of us are really interested in communicating well. Frontend design is one way to do that, through code, with technical constraints, with space for innovation, but only without breaking the already established design patterns. In short: a beautiful cross-domain problem! We are searching for people that love this problem as much as we do, and that can help us with designing, leading and coding the solution.

What? (detailed responsibilities)

For frontenders. We have various projects in various stages of development: there’s designs to develop, MVPs to do, and projects to maintain and update. The part of the pipeline you like the most: you can do it with us. Our main framework is React native (for iOS and Android), Redux.  We are looking for experienced guys that play with teams, and that are up to the challenge of sharing their knowledge with the young guns.

Our company

CRESMART ADVISOR was founded by two spanish guys in 2019. In 2020 we have grown from 3 people to, and after some time working on our projects, we are eager to launch our products to the market earlyur founders possess a great deal of experience in the gambling sector, with a strong network of associates, and we are confident that our products can find a good market fit. Join just as we start a journey full of opportunities, in a year that will be full of excitement!

Other open positions

Tell your colleague from college that we are also searching for:

  • data scientists,

  • database architects,

  • project managers.

Tech list and requirements:

  • Ability, capability and experience leading

  • Native experience

  • React Native and Redux

  • Push notifications

  • Rest APIs

  • Websockets

Valuable extra tech knowledge:

  • Python

Întrebări frecvente

  • Câte locuri de muncă sunt disponibile la Cresmart pe

  • Cum pot să fiu primul care să afle când există locuri de muncă noi la Cresmart pe

  • Pe ce poziții are Cresmart locuri de muncă disponibile prin