Candidatul ideal
We are looking for a person with solid management experience (in B2B sales), with an advanced level of English and a medium level of French, who will be responsible to lead our sales teams.
If you have the following, we want to hear from you!
- At least 5 years of experience in people management and experience in managing sales activities;
- English level – minimum B2;
- French level – medium level (A2-B1);
- Used to work with targets and KPI's;
- Availability for business trips (both national & international) – at least 50% of your working time;
- Knowledge of IT tools: Office Pack and experience in reporting the results to top management;
- Ability to track and analyze results;
- Ability to set up and follow action plans;
- Rigor, availability, involvement, responsiveness.
You should:
Be proactive and growth oriented!
Be independent, as well as a team player!
Be a Leader!
Descrierea jobului
Job description:
We wish to find a Sales Manager will be able to influence and inspire those around him / her and take action!
Are you curious about what this role implies?
If you are the right candidate, you will manage the team of B2B sales managers, to ensure their skills development, as well as the efficiency of their work.
Your missions will be to:
- Monitor the indicators for the sales activity & departments;
- Participate in different meetings with the top management to present the results but also to make decisions;
- Propose action plans in order to contribute to the financial development of the sales activity;
- Ensure optimal organization of the sales departments by ensuring the implementation and update of the appropriate work procedures;
- Participate in strategic projects and transversal missions, in a process of continuous improvement of internal processes.
- International training;
- Real opportunities for career development in a professional environment, along with a successful and dynamic team;
- Career development opportunities within the company;
- Attractive salary package.
Descrierea companiei
13 ani de experiență, peste 800 de colegi în 12 sedii din România, Republica Moldova, Polonia, Bulgaria, Ucraina, Tunisia şi Cipru. Peste 20 de proiecte cu expunere internațională. Partener strategic în training – DARE Academy. Mediu multicultural și un zumzăit continuu într-o multitudine de limbi străine: engleză, franceză, italiană, spaniolă, greacă, germană, rusă, turcă, sârbă, croată. Clienți din toate colțurile lumii. Care este activitatea principală a VEO? Suntem o companie specializată în oferirea de servicii B2B, acoperind o arie largă de domenii în care activează clienţii noştri internaţionali: Comercial, Financiar-Contabil, Resurse Umane, Logistică și Transport, Support și Dezvoltare IT.
Ce ne definește? PASIUNEA şi IMPLICAREA. Punem aceste ingrediente magice în tot ceea ce facem, iar acest lucru se reflectă nu numai în rezultatele noastre, ci mai ales în activitatea noastră zilnică. Avem o bază de cunoștințe imensă construită în ultimii 13 ani, pusă la dispoziția ta. Tot ce îți trebuie este dorința de a reuși. Nu te putem ajuta cu asta, dar cu restul ... Da, putem!