Senior Accountant

Acest anunț a expirat și nu este disponibil pentru aplicare

People Point is recruiting for its client a Senior Accountant. Apply here and join our client’s team, the local commercial branch of a German company, producer of geosynthetic materials for a variety of sectors: roads, railways, constructions etc. The position reports to General Manager of the branch.

Responsibilities and tasks of the position

  • Book into the accountancy of the Branch all the operations and economic transactions, using the software of the group and also the Romanian software.
  • Keep the analytical evidence of goods, fixed assets, low-value inventory with the Romanian software.
  • Payroll accounting: salary calculation, payroll preparation, payment of salaries, keep personnel files, draw up the addendum to the contracts, submit the modifications of personnel data online, in Revisal.
  • Calculates the performance indicators for the annual evaluation of the employees and prepares the evaluation documents.
  • Draw up and submit all the fiscal declarations(monthly) and financial statements (twice a year).
  • Monthly analysis of all the accounts of the balance sheet.
  • Prepares the lists for the annual inventory of the company and book the results of the inventory in the accountancy.
  • Prepares the balance confirmations for the customers and for the main suppliers.
  • Requests to the banks, once a year, the balance confirmations for the bank accounts.
  • Calculate the annual Budget of revenues and expenses and monthly update the P&L with the actual figures for the Controlling Department of the mother company.
  • Calculate the annual Cash Budget and monthly update it with the with actual figures for the Accounting department of the mother company.
  • Provides all the reports requested by the audit company and maintain the relation regarding the annual audit of the financial statements.
  • Calculate and submit the Financial Statements requested by the Accounting department of the mother company for the financial consolidation of the group.
  • Prepare expenses and revenues forecasting requested by the management whenever it’s needed.
  • Check the situation of payments/receipts for the suppliers/customers.
  • Check the situation of payments and bank guarantees received from customers.
  • Prepare and make the online payments through the banks whenever it’s needed.
  • Go to the bank for submitting the cheques/promissory notes received from the customers.
  • Keep the evidence of packages by submitting the monthly quantities to the company who take the responsibilities to recycle and by submitting monthly the declaration to the Environment Administration.
  • Keep the evidence of the insurance policies for cars and building, maintain the relation with the insurance company by submitting the necessary documents and payments.
  • Calculate and submit the statistical reports to the National Bank and National Institute of Statistics.
  • Maintain the relation with the banks, with central and local fiscal administration and with the Environment administration.
  • Calculate and submit all the other reports requested by the Accounting and Controlling departments of the mother company.

Key requirements

    • Solid accounting knowledge
    • Graduate degree in accounting / economics required
    • Minimum 3 years of experience in position
    • Membership in CECCAR would be an advantage
    • Excellent MS Excel skills required. Proficiency in pivot tables, vlookup, statistical modelling, etc. will be an asset
    • Accounting and financial knowledge of legislation and a keen eye for changes and updates on fiscal legislation
    • Understanding of international organization accounting and reporting standards and principles
    • Fluent spoken and written English. German would be an advantage
    • Accuracy and attention to detail
    • Ability to work independently or in a small team, understanding the principles of matrix reporting environment to both local leader and internationally to functional leader

    Apply here and join our client’s team.


    [RO Version] Toate aplicatiile sunt considerate strict confidentiale. Numai candidatii selectati vor fi contactati.


    Prin aplicarea la această poziție vă exprimați acordul ca datele dvs. cu caracter personal să fie colectate, prelucrate și stocate de către People Point SRL în scopul înscrierii în baza de date, informării, consilierii, recrutării, selecției, plasării, medierii în vederea căutării unui angajator interesat de serviciile dvs. profesionale, realizarea unor rapoarte statistice asupra forței de muncă, precum și autorităților publice, în baza legislației în vigoare. Aceste informații vor fi stocate în baza de date People Point SRL și pot fi transmise potențialilor angajatori pentru care People Point SRL are calitatea de împuternicit al unui operator de date cu caracter personal. Sunteți de acord ca aceste date cu caracter personal să fie stocate timp de 3 ani, având dreptul de a solicita accesul la datele dvs. cu caracter personal, rectificarea, ștergerea, restricționarea prelucrării sau portabilității acestora printr-o cerere scrisă transmisă pe adresa de email disponibilă pe site-ul web al societății sau prin poștă la adresa People Point SRL, str. Negoiu nr., bl. D14, sc., ap., sect., București.


    People Point SRL poate prelucra următoarele categorii de date cu caracter personal: nume, prenume, CNP, vârstă, sex, date de contact (telefon, email, skype, adresa de domiciliu/de reședință), conturi personale și profesionale de pe platforme de socializare, experiență profesională, ocupație, venit și/sau asteptări de venit, fotografie, adresă IP, orice alt tip de date care se pot corela pentru a duce la identificarea unei persoane.


    People Point SRL este operator autorizat de date cu caracter personal. Detalii suplimentare privitoare la prelucrarea și protecția datelor cu caracter personal de către People Point SRL, sunt disponibile în secțiunea “Termeni & conditii” de pe site-ul web al societății.


    Sunteți de acord să participați la procesul de recrutare și selectie (interviuri: fata in fata si / sau prin intermediul altor tehnologii de comunicare, jocuri de rol – dacă este cazul, testare psihologică, recomandări de la foștii angajatori etc.) în vederea completării dosarului de recrutare și selecție care va fi stocat în baza de date People Point SRL și/sau pus la dispoziția unui potențial angajator, client al People Point SRL și pentru care People Point SRL are calitatea de împuternicit al unui operator de date cu caracter personal.


    Întrebări frecvente

    • Câte locuri de muncă sunt disponibile la PEOPLE POINT pe

    • Cum pot să fiu primul care să afle când există locuri de muncă noi la PEOPLE POINT pe

    • Pe ce poziții are PEOPLE POINT locuri de muncă disponibile prin