Acest anunț a expirat și nu este disponibil pentru aplicare
Kimball Electronics Group
Kimball Electronics is a global contract electronic manufacturing services (EMS) company that specializes in durable electronics for the medical, automotive, industrial and public safety markets. Kimball Electronics is well recognized by customers and industry trade publications for its excellent quality, reliability and innovative service. From its manufacturing operations in Mexico, Thailand, Poland, Romania and China, Kimball Electronics provides engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain services which utilize common production and support capabilities to a variety of industries globally. Kimball Electronics is headquartered in Jasper, Indiana.
Kimball Electronics Romania
With the start year in, Kimball Electronics Romania is now a running functional business in Timisoara and is a promising competitor in the EMS industry: the greenfield investment is finalized, the core team is onboard and active, and the new equipment purchased is now part of a full and functional production line that is fulfilling confirmed volumes to our customers. KERO celebrated +450 employees and we think thatKimball Electronics, due to a global work culture that thrives off the philosophies that make up our Guiding Principles,isa very attractive employer.
We invite you to go through the role description below and see if it matches your interests.
Principalele responsabilitati:
- Organizeaza si se asigura de acuratetea receptiei, manipularii si gestionarii materialelor-materie prima si a produselor finite,
- Gestioneaza si manipuleaza materialele/ producele finite conform procedurilor si instructiunilor de lucru asigurand astfel:
- Acuratetea stocului de materiale gestionat
- Respectarea procedurilor si instructiunilor de lucru
- Respectarea legislatiei in domeniul depozitarii
- Intocmeste rapoarte specifice zonei de Depozit si se asigura de informarea corecta si la timp a Coordonatorulul de Depozit
- Participa la evaluarea personalului din zona de depozit si se asigura de atribuirea volumului de lucru pentru acestia
- Mentine acuratetea documentatiei in zona de Depozit
Candidatul Ideal
- Studii medii finalizate, ideal studii superioare
- +1 an de activitate in magazie/ gestiune/ flux de material
- +1 an in activitatea de productie in domeniul EMS constituie un avantaj
- Experienta si cunostinte de utilizare a unui sistem informatic in gestiunea materialelor, ideal SAP
- Inclinatie spre procese rutiniere, alaturi de abilitatea de a respecta procese prestabilite
- Seriozitate, flexibilitate si disponibilitate
- Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare
- Foarte bune abilitati de prioritizare
- Persoana orientata spre rezolvarea de probleme si imbunatatirea continua
- Limba engleza –minim Nivel mediu
- Flexibilitate pentru eventuale modificari survenite in procesul de productie (ex. Programul de lucru)
- Cunostiinte privind manipulare a echipamentelor specifice ariei de depozitare (Ex. Motostivuitor) reprezinta un plus un plus.
Kimball Electronics is an equal opportunity employer and gives fair chances to all candidates to the role of interest. Under no circumstances, Kimball Electronics will permit any act of discrimination and lack of dignity in relationship with a candidates. Kimball Electronics will assure a proper recruitment process based on professional competencies and roles and responsibilities of the open job.
Please take kindly notice that only selected candidates will be contacted for further selection stages in any recruitment process.
We would like to thank you in advance for understanding this matter!