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Locuri de munca in Cluj-Napoca

8801 rezultate
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Associate Sourcing Analyst with German

Inginer Planificare Proiect (Primavera)

Human Resources Manager

Sales Representative Cluj

In-House Consultant - SAP technic

CPP Product Manager - Flutter Group

Back-end Magento Internship

Mid/Senior QA Automation Engineer for (e-)Mobility Cloud Solutions, Engineering Center, Cluj/Bucharest

Senior Frontend Developer (React)

Project Management Associate (with German), Engineering Center, Cluj

Mid/Senior QA and DevOpS Engineer for Powertrain, Engineering Center, Cluj/Bucharest

Collection Specialist with Spanish

Assembly Technician

Financial Reporting Specialist

Front-End Developer - Document Understanding

Junior Backend Software Engineer (Contact Center)

Front-end Developer with React

Senior DevOps Engineer

System Engineer for Parking Systems, Engineering Center, Cluj

System Software Test Manager for Parking Systems, Engineering Center, Cluj

SalesForce Software Engineer

Întrebări frecvente

  • Câte locuri de muncă sunt disponibile în acest moment în Cluj-Napoca pe

  • Cum pot să fiu primul care să afle când există locuri de muncă noi în Cluj-Napoca pe